
This page contains more detailed information about how to use the NetAssess app than can be found in the app itself. If you find something is missing or unclear please contact us and let us know.


The entire screen has greyed out and now the tool isn't responsive, what should I do?

This indicates that the NetAssess App has lost communication with the server. This can happen if the App hasn't communicated with the server in a while, or if something has broken. Try reloading the app. If it happens again, post a comment to the issues section for the app on GitHub.

What is Removal Bias?

Removal bias is an estimate of the bias that the monitor network would have if a monitor was removed. A positive bias means that, on average, the surrounding monitors produce a higher interpolated estimate at the monitor location. A negative bias means that the interpolated estimate is lower (on average). A very small value means that there would be negligible bias if the monitor was removed.

What is Exceedance Probability?

Exceedance probability maps indicate the probability that an area will exceed a certain threshold at least one day in a year. The maps are not intended to provide probability estimates for points or areas, but should be used for a spatial comparison of extreme values.